Terms + Conditions

The Australian Industrial Ecology Network (AIEN) aims to build a national network of mutually beneficial relationships among individual and corporate members, guided by the principles and practice of industrial ecology. The AIEN will take all diligent care to fulfil the commitments outlined in this document.

By paying the Membership Fee you (“You”) are: entering into a Legal Agreement with the Australian Industrial Ecology Network Pty Ltd (ABN 44 601 455 743) (“AIEN”). The agreement consists of the terms and conditions below and the Membership Application Form (“the Agreement”).

All currency referred to is Australian currency.

Payment & Subscription
The AIEN agrees to supply membership entitlements to you, the Applicant, for the purpose of benefits identified within the application form and agrees to confer on you the membership rights upon admission in consideration of you agreeing to pay the required subscription.

If you do not pay your subscription by the due date:

  • Your membership rights are liable to be terminated; and
  • The membership services will be suspended until payment in full is received.

The AIEN does not refund or reimburse any portion of a subscription paid in advance.

Membership is not transferable from one individual or organisation to another.

Membership Entitlements
The range of membership services current at the date of this application is set out at

The AIEN may suspend, vary or withdraw any of these services without notice.

Specialist Services
Supplemental, specialist and customised services may also be made available, on a fee for service basis, at special rates for members in most cases. Such services may include but are not limited to:

  • Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
  • Training Courses
  • Corporate ‘Roadside Assistance’
  • Consulting/Project Services
  • Representation

To the extent permitted by the law, the AIEN excludes all liability including that arising by virtue of any implied conditions or warranties in relation to our services and to the extent that such liability cannot be lawfully excluded under the laws of New South Wales and the Commonwealth of Australia.

Access to Services
Services provided by the AIEN will be made available to individual members and authorised representatives of corporate members by whatever means and medium deemed appropriate by the AIEN.

Membership Termination
Members may terminate membership of the AIEN before membership fees are due by giving written notice to the AIEN. Termination will become effective on the date written notice is received by AIEN.

Access to member entitlements and benefits will cease immediately upon the member becoming un-financial.

Membership will be terminated 30 days after the member becomes un-financial.

The AIEN may terminate a membership if a member fails to comply with these terms and conditions of membership.

Change in Contact Information
You must notify the AIEN in writing of any changes in the information originally supplied to the AIEN on application for membership. Outdated information may inhibit the AIEN from providing services and benefits.

Please note that the information you provide in the application form is “personal information” pursuant to the Privacy Act 1988 (“the Act”). This information is being collected for the purposes of processing your application, to provide you with membership services and to keep you informed of upcoming events.   The intended recipient of this information will be AIEN and its service providers. Please note that the provision of this information by you is voluntary.  However, if you do not provide the information requested, the AIEN may be unable to process your application or provide relevant services and benefits. In accordance with the Act, you have the right of access to and alteration of personal information about yourself, held by the AIEN.  The information is being collected by the AIEN and will be held by the AIEN.


  • Corporate Members may nominate up to three representatives to access membership benefits and services, e.g. access to member-only website content and discounted/free attendance at AIEN events. Nominated representatives may be changed throughout the membership year for a fee of $10 + GST per change.
  • All applications for membership will be considered by the Board of Directors of the AIEN (the Board) prior to acceptance.  If at the sole discretion of the Board an application is declined, written notification and a refund of the membership fee (without interest) will be sent within 30 days to the address provided on the Membership Application form.
  • Membership renewal may be reviewed by the Board and declined in accordance with clause 1 above.
  • Membership is activated when we receive from you a completed application form and payment of fees in full.  A receipt will be issued upon receipt of payment for a full twelve (12) month subscription.
  • Membership is for one (1) calendar year commencing on the first day of the quarter immediately succeeding the quarter in which your application was accepted (Quarters commencing February, May, August and November).
  • Membership will be extended automatically for successive 12 month terms unless you send us written notice you do not want it renewed at least 30 days before the end of the membership.
  • All membership fees must be paid annually in advance.
  • An invoice will be sent to you before your membership renewal date which is payable prior to your renewal date for membership fees paid annually.
  • Membership may be suspended or terminated if your payment is not received within thirty (30) days of the membership renewal date.  In this circumstance, the Australian Industrial Ecology Network reserves the right to recover the monetary benefit of any membership discount(s) received by the member whilst the member was in arrears.
  • There is no refund of any membership fees should you cancel your membership at any stage during your membership year.
  • Changes to membership fees will only be made at the time of annual renewal of your membership.
  • Membership is not transferable.
  • You must notify us of changes to your contact details in writing otherwise we may not be able to make our services available to you.
  • Services provided by AIEN in relation to membership are only available to individual members and to the nominated representatives of corporate members. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that information provided to the AIEN from time to time is current and correct.
  • The AIEN does not accept any liability whatsoever for the provision of services or benefits to members. The AIEN does not accept any liability whatsoever for the denial of services to individuals not nominated as representatives of corporate members.
  • The AIEN reserve the right to change, from time to time, the services available to members.
  • Any variations made to these Terms & Conditions may be made by the AIEN without express written notice to members and will be effective fourteen (14) days after the posting on the AIEN’s website.

Advisory Services
Any verbal or written advice provided or facilitated by the AIEN, whether by introducing advisers, consultants, other members of the network or by its staff and Directors is:

  • given in good faith;
  • given on the basis of the information provided by you; and
  • relates only to the information which you have provided  and the specific circumstances of the situation concerned.

Advice provided of facilitated may not represent a definitive or a comprehensive or the only response to your enquiry.  Being in the nature of immediate assistance, such advice should be carefully considered before taking further action

The AIEN is not liable, in any way whatsoever for any consequences arising for the use of advice provided or facilitated by it.

In relation to the provision of services to members:

  • All implied conditions and warranties, are excluded, except those of which the exclusion would contravene any statute or cause any part of these terms and conditions to be void;

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the AIEN will not be liable for any loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) suffered by any person acting on advice provided or facilitated by the AIEN, whether the loss or damage arises as a result of negligence, default or lack of care, any misrepresentation on the part of the AIEN or from any other cause.