AIEN Event

Is Composting the Only Option for FOGO? New Technologies Driving Economic Value

Held on Tuesday 23 November 2021

The recovery of co-collected food and garden organics (FOGO) is becoming a widespread trend across Australia, gaining significant momentum with the public and councils.

To meet this demand, the recycled organics sector and the composting industry have grown exponentially, with organics recycling increasing from 5.15 million tonnes in 2006/07 to almost 7 million tonnes in 2018/19. Despite this shift, by weight, up to halfof the average red bin disposed to landfill is still food and garden organics.

To help drive improvements in recycling rates for municipal and commercial / industrial wastes, recovery of FOGO is considered critical. By 2030, the NSW State Government will implement compulsory FOGO collections by all councils, with other states and territories following suit by rapidly employing various FOGO collection and recycling programs.

As FOGO implementation escalates across the nation, the AIEN sets out to explore opportunities and technologies beyond the well demonstrated options of windrow and in-vessel composting.

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