AIEN Event
Innovation and the
Circular Economy –
Tyre Recycling and
Value-Added Manufacturing
10:00am – 11:45am
Monday 29 August 2022 (AEST)
AIEN Members: $77 inc GST
Non Member $110 inc GST
In Australia in 2018/19, it is estimated that 465,000 tonnes of tyres reached end of life. About 41% of these tyres were from passenger cars, 34% was truck tyres and 25% was off-the-road tyres*. In December 2021, the Commonwealth’s export ban came into effect, prohibiting the export of whole and baled tyres for processing and energy recovery overseas. Prior to the ban coming into effect, 56% of Australia’s end of life tyres were exported overseas.
Fortunately, domestic investment in new tyre processing and recycling infrastructure has occurred, reducing the nation’s dependence on export markets. Though there is a lot more to do to build robust domestic infrastructure and markets for tyre-derived products, to avoid the unlawful stockpiling of tyres and disposal in landfill.
In this webinar, we will explore some recent innovations in tyre recycling and markets for recovered tyre materials, to help build a local circular economy for this material. The webinar will showcase new processing infrastructure, innovative market applications and whole of industry work to boost tyre recycling and markets for tyre derived products.
*Tyre Stewardship Australia (2020). Used tyres supply chain and fata analysis. June 2020. Internet publication:
Dr Mark Jackson, Director, Jackson Environment and Planning & AIEN
Mr Jim Fairweather, CEO, Tyrecycle
Dr Joe Herbertson AM, Director, Skye Point Innovation
Ms Julie Went, Sustainability Manager, Tyre Stewardship Australia
Every effort has been made to present all the information contained in this website as accurately as possible. The AIEN reserves the right to change, without notice, any or all of these details.

Dr Mark Jackson
Director and Principal Consultant, Jackson Environment and Planning

Julie Went
Sustainability Manager, Tyre Stewardship Australia
Julie is the Sustainability Manager at Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA). Julie has expertise in management systems, environmental approvals and compliance, gained through various roles with government and global engineering consulting firms.
At TSA, Julie leads the Foreign End Market Verification Program and green procurement initiatives. Julie has been involved in activities focussed on preparing industry for the waste export ban.

Jim Fairweather
CEO, Tyrecycle
An experienced executive within the industrial and manufacturing industries.
With more than a decade’s experience in the Waste & Recycling sector, Jim is currently the CEO of Tyrecycle, part of the broader resource recovery group, ResourceCo.
Jim is also President of the Australian Tyre Recyclers Association, President of WRISA, participates in a verity or advisory and working groups and is a Director & Treasurer of the Australian Council of Recyclers.

Dr Joe Herbertson AM
Director, Skye Point Innovation
Dr Joe Herbertson is currently an international Assurance Panel member for Responsible Steel. He was formally General Manger Research, BHP Steel and co-founder the Steel Stewardship Forum. He is a Director of The Crucible Group, taking its Continuous Biomass Converter technology from concept to the point of commercialisation. Joe recently co-founded Yarna Yur-ra, a social enterprise committed to safe climate, equity, diversity, and First Nations engagement. He continues to act as a sustainability consultant with international companies.