AIEN Event

Green Technology Commercialisation – Journey to nirvana or no man’s land Webinar

Held Tuesday 6 December 2022

As Australians, we can rightfully take some pride in our collective resourcefulness. There is a demonstrated Australian tradition of inventiveness and research endeavour. However, did you know these ‘beliefs’ can be supported by a strong body of evidence?

In many fields of endeavour including immunology, health, health research, medical/sensory aides, corporate governance, banking, astronomy, agriculture, mining, and more recently, space exploration, Australia’s skills and accomplishments are internationally recognised.

It is therefore disappointing that Australia often appears unable to demonstrate leadership in commercialising much of its inventiveness and research in the green/sustainability technology space. There are of course exceptions, but an appeal to the facts supports this general observation.

If you are an inventor, entrepreneur, researcher, financier, green investor, technology sales/marketer, hold a sustainability related government position, have responsibility for green procurement, a discussion factually outlining the current commercialisation situation is a must for your attention and attendance.

The webinar discussion will also include current case study feedback, explore various stakeholder perspectives and seek to identify opportunities to improve Australia’s competitiveness in the sustainability technology commercialisation space.


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