AIEN Event
Development of a Business Case for Government Infrastructure Funding – Strategies and Funding Opportunities
10:00am – 12:30pm
Tuesday 8 March 2022 (AEDT)
AIEN Members: $77 inc GST
Non Member $110 inc GST
The States and the Commonwealth Government are currently investing record levels of funding to assist industry bring forward important waste sorting, processing, value-added manufacturing and energy recovery projects. In no time in Australia’s history has there been this level of funding to build the recycling infrastructure Australia needs now and into the future.
To help reach the 80% national recycling target by 2030 and drive progress towards a Circular Economy, all levels of government are dependent on efficient and effective infrastructure investments, largely led by the private sector and local government.
However, funding is limited, competitive and is dependent on applicants preparing a compelling business case that demonstrates a sound understanding of feedstock supply and end markets, waste supply and off-taker agreements, mature technology, a detailed understand of the project’s capital and operating funding requirements, planning and regulatory approvals and appropriate management of risk.
In this webinar, we have invited speakers from the Victorian, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australian and the Commonwealth Government to discuss current and future infrastructure programs, and what is needed to make a compelling business case that will help secure funding.
This webinar will be essential for waste, resource recovery, energy production and manufacturing businesses seeking to bring forward new infrastructure with the assistance of government funding.
Colin Barker, Chair – Australian Industrial Ecology Network
Dr Mark Jackson, Director, Jackson Environment and Planning & AIEN
Alicia Darvall, Director of Regions & Partnerships, Sustainability Victoria
Sam Lewis, A/Director, Circular Economy Programs, NSW EPA
Michaela Heinson, Associate Director, Economic Growth and Sustainability and Justin Lang, Manager Economic Growth, Green Industries SA
Pravin Menon, QLD Department of Environment and Science
Tristan Lee, Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment
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Dr Mark Jackson
Director and Principal Consultant, Jackson Environment and Planning
Alicia Darvall
Director Regions and Partnerships, Sustainability Victoria
Alicia is an innovative leader focused on building collaborative partnerships, bridging cultures, sectors, and worldviews.
Prior to joining SV, Alicia worked for B Lab, a non-profit whose initiatives include the B Corp Certification, businesses that meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance. She was the Director of Global Partners, responsible for the expansion of B Corporations around the world.
From 2017 until 2020 she was the Chair of Melbourne Metropolitan Development Advisory Panel and Chair of the Inner South East Partnership – Metropolitan Partnership.
Alicia plays a key role in delivering the Recycling Victoria initiative and helping Victorians live sustainably by acting on climate change and using resources wisely. She is also leading SV’s work on the Circular Economy Business Innovation Centre (CEBIC). The CEBIC brings together industry, universities and councils to develop new technologies and collaborate on creative solutions to food waste challenges.
Sam Lewis
A/Manager, Major Projects and Initiatives, NSW Environment Protection Authority
Sam has enjoyed a successful international career as a public sector professional, managing program and policy delivery in all three levels of government, with extensive experience across the NSW public sector in both central and service delivery agencies.
Sam leads state and national programs to deliver large scale infrastructure that will underpin the future of the waste and resource recovery sector in NSW. Sam has presented on complex issues to industry, communities and government stakeholders.
Michaela Heinson
Associate Director, Economic Growth and Sustainability, Green Industries SA
Michaela is the Associate Director, Economic Growth and Sustainability with Green Industries SA. She has two decades of experience leading sustainability, environmental and biosecurity programs, including leadership for projects, policy reforms and emergency response at senior levels of government.
Justin Lang
Manager, Economic Development, Green Industries SA
Justin Lang is Manager, Economic Development with Green Industries SA. His involvement in Local Government has involved working in a variety of fields including in subsidiaries, as an elected member, and in engineering, asset management, and sustainability.
He is passionate about achieving the best outcomes and manages several grant programs. He was the instigator to the introduction of six-star energy efficient housing nationally, is an avid composter, and is too lazy to place his waste bin out more than once every couple of years.

Pravin Menon
Executive Director, QLD Department of Environment and Science
As Executive Director of the Office of Resource Recovery, Pravin brings with him the knowledge and industry insight of twenty plus years operational experience working in waste and environment entities across both the public and private sectors, including Local Government. He and the ORR team are keenly focussed on developing policy and programs that encourage and deliver practical, sustainable solutions in the Resource Recovery sector.
Pravin holds a degree in Chemical Engineering and an MBA through the Australian Graduate School of Management.
Tristan Lee
Acting Director, Recycling Modernisation Section, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Tristan’s team supports the expansion and modernisation of recycling infrastructure in Australia, primarily through delivering the Recycling Modernisation Fund in partnership with all states and territories.