On 1 October 2020 the Australian Government announced a new $107.2 million Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI) to help position Australia to better respond to future crises such as COVID-19.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic government and industry have worked together to rapidly address critical supply needs. This experience taught us that we need to be on the front foot and the SCRI will help to ensure Australia has access to essential goods and services in the face of external shocks.
In implementing the SCRI, the Australian Government is working with Australian industry to:
- identify the essential goods and services critical to Australians at times of crisis
- map industry supply chains and Australia’s manufacturing capabilities
- evaluate supply chain resilience under normal circumstances and in possible crisis situations
The feedback you provide through this consultation will help them to understand:
- the real and potential vulnerabilities in our supply chains for critical products
- ways of addressing them
For more information and to complete the survey please visit: https://consult.industry.gov.au/industry-capability/scri/